Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The Simple Things

I had a bit of a potter around in my garden the other day. God knows it needed it. I find a lot of Solace in my garden, such that it is. I am not a natural gardener sadly. Planning a garden is definitely not my forte sadly. The other thing is sheer frustration. Now that I am on my own it is the little things like banging and sawing that really get me a bit fired up because I just can't quite do it. Having said that, I am really trying to do more for myself and make things happen for me. 

Anyway, out in the garden my roses were blooming. In 2014 I was given roses for my birthday. I just love them and the memory they came from close friends, and one from Lauren.  I hope some more come one day.  They are very special. 

I picked a few blooms that were there to bring inside. The weather was about to turn nasty and I wanted to enjoy them a little more. 

Paddy Stephens quite prolific in it's flowering. 

In Loving Memory. This rose always reminds me of my dear mother and has the most beautiful perfume. Lauren gave me this one, so it is sitting in her bedroom. She loved it when she walked in. 

Thanks for dropping by.


Leeanne said...

Gorgeous roses..............I can almost smell them!

Sherry said...

Beautiful roses. I am looking forward to mine blooming this Spring.

Von said...

How beautiful! I'm really missing my roses right now, so I appreciate you sharing yours!